May 15, 2013


Nos dijeron que Belén era todo temperamento, todo fuerza, con una personalidad arrolladora y una actitud maravillosa. Así que cuando llegó el momento de buscar los colores que la definieran, pensamos que la vitalidad del naranja, la feminidad del violeta y la calidez del amarillo serían perfectos para ella. 

Parece ser que no andábamos muy descaminadas.... ¡Que disfrutes muchísimo tu flor, Belén!

We were told that Belén has a passionate nature, that she's a very charismatic woman, really funny and expressive. So when the time came for us to choose some colors for her brooch, we thought that the vitality of Orange, the femininity of Violet and the warmth of Yellow would suit her disposition beautifully. 

It looks like we were spot on, apparently.... or so we're told. Hope you enjoy it, Belén!

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